Providing creative results for developers.

Land Acquisition & Assembly

Land assembly is the selling of multiple properties in a single transaction to create an otherwise unachievable, higher valuation for each individual property owner; all factors are considered.  DS Group creates its own opportunities by canvasing homeowners and commercial property owners directly through our real estate brokerage Essence Realty. Consulting, negotiating terms and conditions beneficial to the end users and our development clients (win – win) maximizes the success rate based on our ability to execute and accommodate both sides of the transaction. 

The biggest challenge with land assembly is grouping all the neighboring properties to combine and maximize value that is opportunistic for a developer. Our experience with re-zoning and understanding the fundamentals of municipal Official Community Plans (OCP’s) is integral.  Whether you are interested in listing your home individually to start the assembly process or being part of assembly opportunity, DS Group will guide you.